Who said that it is impossible? We say that it is absolutely not if we can take that in our stride. A wrong notion may be that we have to remain circumspect when kids are around because they may not allow us to enjoy as much we want. We opine differently. You can have a great deal of fun when your kids are around. What is the drill for enjoyment with the kids?
It is not possible to leave your kids high and dry if you are planning to travel. They are too mature to handle things by their own and travelling can make them learn to deal with problems kinaesthetically. Any family is incomplete without kids and that is why as a family unit, you would love to have an eternal memorabilia that your kids will cherish in hindsight when they attain adulthood. So do take your kids with you and make them used to travel irrespective of whether the trip is short or long. Travelling helps them overcome anxieties and boredom and also gives them a chance to get acquainted to unfathomable mystics of a different world. It is a win-win situation, isn’t it?
When kids find things around them uninteresting, they are likely to grow restless. A restless kid, at times, becomes difficult to handle. It becomes important to keep them engaged by telling them some interesting things or two about the place you are visiting. You can also tell utopian stories about the place that can resurrect their interest. You can also keep their chins up by keeping them occupied with activities such as colouring, reading, toys or playing handy. By keeping them engaged, you can avoid bearing the brunt of their disengagement which is likely to make their mood foul and eventually yours. You can also have a good amount of delicious, crunchy snacks with you on which they can feast their eyes on.
When you have kids on board, you can keep some child friendly places in your preference list. You can plan a destination that may have a few child-attractive places located nearby. It can then be a park, a museum or a zoo. These places will not only slay the disinterest and boredom but at the same time can enhance the curiosity of learning and experiencing new things. For example, you can plan a trip to a park where they can get a chance not only to play their favourite games but at the same time, you can educate them about some fundamental facts about nature like the importance of having greenery around etc.
If kids become troublemakers, avoid getting annoyed or delirious because it will be a test of your planning skills. Plan everything in advance so that you avoid running around like chickens with their heads chopped off. Take care of the car or SUV non-studded tires if the season or the climate demands so. Make sure that your tires do not end up being a spoilsport. Trivializing these small things can cost you and your family the fun that you have set out for.
Allot some small tasks to the kids to keep them engaged. Common tasks will include reciting poems, taking care of their own luggage etc.
If you accentuate these little things and put it in your schedule, you will have one great time on road with your kids and vice-versa.